I can let myself go; I just have to come back.

When I wrote about eating, drinking and being married the other day, let’s just say that most of my roadtrip concerned the eating and drinking. As usual, I packed all the necessary items to stay on a healthy eating, waist-thigh-and-stomach friendly path. But somehow, I managed to eat all of this over the span of 4 days:

This is just SOME of it. Grrr. Like I said, I had the greatest of intentions going into the trip. And I do have amazing willpower now. Sooooo, I could have skipped all of this highly caloric, less-than-clean-eating-friendly food. I decided to just go with the “everything in moderation” mindset. While it may not look like it here, I did have a lot of good-for-me-foods too, to balance it all out. I also know that it takes an extra 3,500 calories to gain one pound. So I took one for the team, decided to enjoy my extra 3,500 calories and work off that pound when I returned home.

TO MY HORROR AND ASTONISHMENT, I must have had an extra 10,500 calories because I saw an extra 3 pounds on the scale! But what about all of my walking? I walked ALL OVER DC in the past couple of days! Oh well. I don’t believe in depriving myself anymore. I work hard and know how to lose weight, tone up and stay healthy. So I treated myself. I didn’t fall off the wagon; I stepped off for a few days, willingly. I did enjoy my eating and drinking, but now that I’m home it’s time to get back on track and back on the wagon.

So when we got home on Sunday I made steak shishkabobs for dinner. Lean meat and veggies. My kind of meal and a good way for me to get back to my normal way of eating! A 400 calorie, filling supper was just what I needed!

I went to hot yoga yesterday morning and sweated my butt off. And hopefully, my thighs, tummy, arms, etc… It’s the best 90 minutes to start your day!  I can definitely feel it working right now–hours later!

I hadn’t done it in a few days due to the traveling and missed it! When we were walking around DC I saw this girl {blue tank} on her way to yoga class. There was a studio across from Lululemon and I wanted to go in soooo badly! One thing I loved about the area we were in–everyone was so health-conscious. Walking, running, doing yoga, NOT puffing on cigarettes–I love like-minded, healthy people!  

I came home from yoga yesterday and immediately got on the treadmill. I’m getting better! 2 miles in under 43 minutes is a HUGE improvement for me. I’m STILL walking, but my leg is feeling stronger and I was able to pick up the treadmill’s pace a bit. I figure before I can run, I have to jog and before I can jog, I have to walk fast. So I’m working on that fast-walking thing now! I’m also working on that not-overdosing-on-gourmet-cupcakes for dessert thing. Last night’s dessert?

A yummy peach. And I’m actually diggin’ this more than the chocolate. Yup, I’m back. 😉

Do you stick to healthy eating while on vacation? Do you slip up sometimes?


  1. It’s so hard to keep your calorie count low while your on vacation or away. This summer I packed cereal and granola thins for every place I went. This way I had at least a breakfast that I knew I could control. It helped me to maintain more than I typically do.
    Peaches are my current fruit obsession!!

    • Cherie

      Ugh, it is, it is!!! I did at least do that–I packed breakfasts for myself each day and did eat those. I at least started the day right! I’ve been searching for the perfect peach all summer and just found it. Sometimes you never know if they’re going to be good or not. But I think by the time August hits, they’re fantastic!

  2. Ummm don’t even worry about it. I totally slipped up last week and ate crap and didn’t run. It was a bad bad time for me … 🙂

    3 lbs of just some extra water from staying hydrated during your walks around DC… don’t even worry about it 🙂

    • Cherie

      Okayyyyyy, I was just shocked to see that number on the scale, lol. I was like, WHAT? How on earth?! I haven’t weighed this since May 9th. And yes, I do know because I track my weight EVERY morning. Some people aren’t scale people, but I definitely am, haha…. But I’ll calm down–the scale was back to normal today! 🙂

  3. I agree with Holly: a lot (if not all) of the extra weight is probably no more than water weight. Give it a few days, and then see if you’re still up 3.

    In my opinion, vacations should be enjoyed–even if that means gourmet cupcakes! They don’t happen that often, after all, so no real damage done. 🙂

    • Cherie

      You’re right. I’ve since calmed down a little as the weight this morning went back to my normal range! I think I will take more a laissez faire approach when on vacation and just let the control go. I KNOW I will return back to normal when I come home, so I should just enjoy myself! 🙂

  4. I was at the beach for the last 3 days, and even though I brought a lot of my own food and ran twice and biked once, I came home 2 pounds heavier. For me I think it is the sodium in restaurant food – after a day or two at home the weight goes back down. I weight myself every day also, and I hate seeing that number go up!

    • Cherie

      Oh good–another everyday weigher! I knew I wasn’t alone in that. I just like to keep on top of where I’m at with my weight. 😉

  5. Def the hardest part is controlling indulgences. It feels good to indulge and feels good to get back to healthy habits.

    • Cherie

      I agree! I have fun indulging, but I also have fun getting back to my normal healthy self!

  6. It’s hard to eat healthy when you’re traveling, but I don’t think you ate enough to gain 3 pounds. I bet at least 2 is water weight. I’m glad you enjoyed yourself & now you can get back on track. Don’t be too hard on yourself.

    • Cherie

      Haha, I might have! I didn’t take a picture of everything I ate, lol! 😉 But yes, I had my fun and now it’s done. Back to normalcy!

  7. I think it’s just one of those times where once you start, it’s hard to stop. You let yourself have one treat and you’re on vacation and then next thing you know – you have had like 4 or 5 treats! It’s perfectly okay though, it happens and if it didn’t happen – there would be something very disordered about your eating. Just think you got it all out of your system and you’re good to go now!

    As for the 3 pounds, girl that’s just water weight and dehydration. Keep working out, eating right and drinking that water and it will be gone before you know it!

    I’m super proud of you for admitting to a slight relapse. It makes you so relateable and real to read. It’s refreshing to hear that other people sometimes have too many treats, because I know I definitely have those times as well!

    • Cherie

      Haha, yes–the domino effect! But what’s different about me now is that I got right back on track once I was home. The old Cherie would have just kept eating the bad food! And thank you! 🙂

  8. sherry

    Ha everyone already said what I was going to say….water weight. I’m glad u enjoyed your trip and indulged a little…you deserve it!

    • Cherie

      Yeah, this water weight is quite the popular term today! Hahaha…I did enjoy and it was nice to let loose for a change!


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