Silent Saturday: {I heart Farmer’s Markets.}

Sometimes I do a Silent Saturday post instead of a Wordless Wednesday post. Hey, I do my own thing. 😉 That AND it’s pretty hard to top a popular post about farting. So here it is, a post all about my trip to the Carrboro Farmer’s Market on this gorgeous Saturday–the pictorial version. Enjoy the yummy goodness.

I’m proud of myself for getting up early on my last day of being unemployed {thank you LORD!!!!} to take part in all of this deliciousness! I can’t wait to cook all of these veggies and make some tasty treats!

Do you ever go to your local farmer’s market? What do you like to pick up there?


  1. Sarah

    The farmer’s market mom goes to is kind of winding down at this point in the season. 😦 This one you went to still looks in full-swing! Yum!

    • Cherie

      Cool–I didn’t know she went to one too. Go Steffen women! We should take her to this one when they come to visit!! 🙂

      • Sarah

        They have one downtown every Tuesday during spring/summer. Mom goes pretty much every week. Dad used to go too when he was still working.

      • Cherie

        Ahhhh, gotcha!

  2. So jealous! Our farmers markets here are pathetic. And the produce is so freaking expensive. You could buy organic produce at whole foods for cheaper than the produce in our farmers markets.

    Good luck with work! Can’t wait to hear how it goes!

    • Cherie

      Today they had some pretty good prices. I was happy about that! Yeah, everything was bright and plentiful and made for a nice stirfry dinner! 🙂 And thank you–I can’t wait for tomorrow!

  3. Farmer Markets are my FAVORITE!!! My town has an incredible one BUT it does not offer “sampling” like yours. I intend on recommending this next weekend!

    • Cherie

      I just love them. I could have spent all morning there! But after circling 3 times I thought I should go, haha. The sampling was awesome! 🙂

  4. LOVE the Carrboro Farmer’s Market! I’m a little far from my house, but it’s so homey and I LOVE when they have those samplings. Jealousy.

    • Cherie

      Totally homey and magical! The samplings were crazy good. You must go again soon!!

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