Semi-Wordless Wednesday & Happy Things.

I’m not so good at being “wordless.” Good grief–I’m an English Major! Every time I make an attempt at a Wordless Wednesday post, or my version of it–the Silent Saturday post {such as this or that}–I still end up typing too much in it. I’m trying hard today though because it’s my day off and I’m in the midst of studying for my two personal training certifications and short on time but I still want to blog! So here I go–a Semi-Wordless Wednesday with some words and a little of this and a little of that about some things making me happy lately.

This came in the mail:

It’s a flier for the grand opening of my store this weekend {finally!!}. I looked closer at the orange highlighted section and saw this:

“on-site certified fitness trainers” — HEY, THEY’RE TALKING ABOUT ME!! And yeah, it’s not “trainerS,” it’s “trainer” — let’s get it right! But then again, umm, I’m still not certified so,Ā  shhhhhhh. šŸ˜‰

I got my Livestrong shirt the other day at the Family Night. But I also had to grab this baby:

How inspirational for my workouts! I love it! And please excuse the camera blocking my face. But again, it’s my day off and I’m not camera-ready. Anyhooo, there is just too much cute stuff at Dick’s! I want everything!! Thank goodness for the discount!

And thank goodness for this–my new favorite thing I just discovered on my phone by accident the other day:

See that little microphone in the last row on the left? When you hit it, this shows up:

And then you can talk and the phone will type what you say! OMG. How did I ever live without this?! I’m pretty sure I thought of it a long time ago and was like, “Man, I’m sure tired of typing. I wish I could just speak and the words would magically appear.” SHUT THE FRONT DOOR my wish came true! I feel like I’m on the Jetsons.

I also feel like I’m walking on a cloud. No, running on a cloud. I’ve been running!

Okay, so I don’t run without socks, nor do I run in these Adizeros. But I had already changed, soooooo……. But notice–I’m not wearing a leg brace! Okay, actually I do still wear the brace when I run. But I had already taken that off too. My point is, I can run a mile now without any pain! I did a little 5K on my treadmill today, running one and walking the other two at an incline. I’m feeling so much more normal now that I can at least do a mile. šŸ™‚ It would have been a beautiful Autumn day to run on the trails, but I needed to stay here and watch my NASM & IFPA dvds while running. :-/

I got these in the mail:

Two of my fave magazines! But they’ll be on my shelf as I don’t have much time to read anything other than my personal training books right now. I’m still happy they came though! I love my running & my {hot} yoga!

This also came in the mail:

I won them from entering my friend Laura’s giveaway on her blog! I was so excited! These are sooo much tastier than other chocolate calcium supplements I’ve tried before. I can eat them like candy {but try not to, haha}.

Something else tasty that’s making me smile right now is this:

This So Delicious Dairy Free “ice cream” is awesome! I’m totally kicking butt with my new vegetarian {sometimes vegan} way of eating and this helps me do it!

Yeah, so all of this happy stuff was not that “semi-wordless” at all. Oops. I tried. Maybe next time. šŸ˜‰

What’s making you happy lately?


  1. Yes, obsessed with the So Delicious Ice Cream… I had to stop buying it! I love the chocolate and the chocolate PB. I got the Adora calcium things at HLS and they really are like candy. Soooo much better than those chocolate calcium chew things that were popular a few years ago!

    • Cherie

      Yesss….the calcium chews are gross! I have a bag sitting here and am about to trash ’em. They don’t compare to the Adoras at all!

  2. I am so happy you like the adora discs and that you won the giveaway šŸ™‚

    Right now listening to audiobooks while I commute is keeping me happy šŸ™‚

    • Cherie

      They’re yummy!!! I really just feel like they’re candy-candy and that makes me happy too! I heart audiobooks!

  3. Looooove those pink sneakers! What is making me happy during this week is coffee. Lots and lots of coffee.

    • Cherie

      Thank you!!! I just realized we sell them in turquoise at work and so of course I’ll need those too, haha… Yes, coffee, a lot of coffee, makes me happy too. I’m drinking it right now. Hope you’re having a great weekend!

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