Nah, Imma Stay. {{Namaste!}}

Well, look who it is…

It’s the Hot-Yoga-Loving-Cherie! She’s back!

Well, she never really left…she’s just not been at hot yoga since last summer. And please excuse this old picture from back then! I was all set to take a fresh picture with my mat today, but I left the doggone thing at the studio. I’m pretty sure it will be safe…I left every bit of sweat I had in my body on that thing and doubt anyone will touch it!

I had also planned to take a super crazy sweaty #fitfluential #proof worthy shot of my hard-earned work, but by the time I walked out to my car in the chilly air yesterday morning, it was gone! This is all I got:

I got a sticker! Good little student that I am... 🙂

I plan to go back tomorrow morning since Wednesday is my next off day. I love it soooo much, but ever since I started at Dick’s, with my crazy hours, I’ve let my hot yoga practice go. No more! It’s seriously good for my mind, soul and booty body, so I have to make it more of a priority in my life. {As money allows, of course–it ain’t too cheap!}

Anyhow, a few things came to mind while I was practicing today. {Again–this is why I need to do it more–I am the WORST at just being in the moment and focusing on my asanas and how they’re making me feel.}

1. I was proud of myself just for getting there. My favorite yoga teacher, the owner Maddy, normally teaches at 9:30am. I was like, “Hey, I’m down with that time on my day off. It’s not too early.” Then the night before, right before bed, I checked the schedule online and saw that she was teaching the 6:30 am class. OH THE HUMANITY!!!  Now, I am NOT one of those people that likes to, wants to, or has to exercise before the roosters crow. Makes no damn sense to me and since I don’t have to, fuh-get-about-it!!! My fitness routines can wait til 10am, thank you. But for Maddy, I got my butt up at 4:45 am, drove 25 minutes from my country home into town, and was on my mat at 6:25 am. Go me!

2. The yoga farts.

Yes, this is still happening. It always will be. I don’t know why I’m shocked. Or why I have the behavior of a 13-year-old boy when it does, but I do. I just do. This time it was just one dude. The same hairy, using five sweat rags to sop up his perspiration because his towel is soaked through, wearing too short shorts, gruntin’, solo man in class that’s always there. I mean, do you not know you’re going to class in the morning? Do you not know the studio room is somewhat small? And it’s 100 degrees? And we have to breathe in those farts when we do our pranayama? Did you still think it was a good idea to have a meal that surely consisted of straight up bean dip, bean soup, chili  and black bean brownies the night before?

3. Wearing what equates to just a makeshift bikini to class. I know it’s hot, but really?

Okay, nah. I’m just hatin’. I’d rock it if I could. The girl looked crazy good. I was in awe. It was like she was Photoshopped, but live and in front of me! But instead of being like, man, why can’t I look like her??? {Which was my exact sentiment last summer} I gazed into the huge mirror before me and thought, “Wow, I’ve dropped 20 pounds since I was last here. Look how far I’ve come. No, I don’t look like Photoshop Girl, but I’m a pretty awesome version of me!”

See how good hot yoga is for my self-well being?!

4. I still get “goosies” {I’m channeling J-Lo on American Idol, here} if I’m one of the chosen ones to get singled out by name if I’m doing a pose beautifully.  I’m not graceful, I have mad balance issues, and haven’t done this stuff in about 8 months. It’s nice to know some of it came back to me!

5. The Yoga Girl video. Yes, this was in my head a lot during class. I TOTALLY need to work on focusing, haha!

It gets stuck in your head…you’ve been warned! Hey, yoooooga guuuuurl…

I’m sure there were more things that popped in and out of my mind. Whatever it was, was probably interrupted by a fart {the dude’s, not mine} and I forgot to carry the thought to fruition. So I’ll stop here! Anyhow, it’s good to be back!

Do you do yoga to cross-train from running? Or is yoga your main form of fitness? What’s your favorite type?


  1. I love that you said “I’m a pretty awesome version of me!” so true!!

    • Total ditto – love your attitude Cherie!
      Hot yoga is also my preferred version of cross-training. I can’t wait for next month’s bonus check so I can buy a month pass to my studio!

      • Agreed! 😀

      • Cherie

        Thank you! Yeah, that’s how I got this pass–there was a deal on our local Groupon-type service! I had to take advantage of that!

    • Cherie

      Well thank you! I had to finally start looking at it like that… 😉

  2. Not a fan of yoga, just can’t get into it. HOWEVER, a hot yoga class is really the only one that I’ll willingly partake in.

    • Cherie

      Same with me–I have no desire for the regular kind, but if it’s hot, I’ll be there!

  3. hahaha. You are hilarious. Glad you had a good time at yoga. Kudos on the early wake up. Well worth it, right?

    • Cherie

      Thank you, lol! And yesss, very much worth it!

  4. Katie McKinney

    Hi Cherie!

    I’m new to following your blog; I stumbled upon it accidentally. I must say though, I’ve gone back and re-read posts of yours and you are such an inspiration!! I started at 185 in October this past year and am currently hovering about 149-150. I’m also looking into getting my PT certification 🙂

    I’m going to need you to teach me how to make that chicken, asparagus, and potato fries meal, yum yum!!

    Anyhow, not to bring up a ton of old posts! I’ve never done hot yoga, but I’m going to try it now 🙂 I really appreciate the recommendation.


    • Cherie

      Thanks for stopping by Katie, however you found me! And congratulations on your own weight loss!! Good luck with the certification, whichever organization you choose to go through. I’m partial to NASM, but there are other good ones out there too!!

  5. Cherie

    love HOT yoga!!! I did only hot yoga for 6 months, then my body stopped changing so I decided I need to run too 🙂 they seem to compliment eachother perfectly

    • Cherie

      I think they are a fabulous combination!!! After I did it the other day, my body felt to fantastic and I was able to have a GREAT run the next day!

  6. I love love LOVE hot yoga! I totally have recently gotten back into my own practice, and I’m loving the feeling that’s come over me! Such a sense of calm, and peace. It’s so amazing. I’m glad to hear you’re back at it!! 😀

    • Cherie

      It’s just fantastic, isn’t it?!! I wish the studio were closer to me so I could go more often. It just makes my body (and mind) happy!

  7. Pahahahahaha I love the video. I have to admit…I can’t wait to get into some of those poses!! I still need to get my butt to a Bikram class.

    And YES. You HAVE come so far since your last class. You’re kickin’ butt and takin’ names!! (I think I may have already said that very recently to you…)

    • Cherie

      I loooove the video. And now of course I had to watch it again. And now the song is stuck in my head again, haha. 🙂 And, thank you!!

  8. I go with Anusara and Ananda. If you can’t make your class sometime checkout
    they all have videos online to work with until you can get to class.
    As for the fart guy…smuggle some beano into his yoga bag 🙂
    he may be eating toooo much soy

    • Cherie

      Haha, you’ve got me cracking up about the Beano…you know, that’s not a bad idea!!! 😀

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