Sub 10 Club & an Under Armour Giveaway!

If you’ve ever read my blog before, you know that I’m not a fast runner. Well, I guess it’s all relative though…If you run a mile in 18 minutes, you may think I’m fast. If you run a mile in 7 minutes, you may think I’m not.

But I AM still a runner nonetheless and a determined one at that.

I remember starting out being one of those runners that took about 18 minutes to run a mile–that was back in early 2011. I tried and tried, progressed, regressed, got injured, healed, and tried some more. It’d been a looooong time coming and I wasn’t sure when I’d ever gain admittance into the Sub 10 Minute Mile Club.

This past Tuesday, I set out to go running after work. The clock stuck 5pm and I gathered a tank, capris, a compression sleeve, and my shoes.

OHHHH, now those are new shoes aren’t they? {My loyal readers, I love you so, can probably tell!}

Let me interject my touching little story for just a moment.

A fantastic woman from Under Armour found my blog, told me congrats on my weight loss, said she liked Cherie Runs This, wanted to send me something from UA to review on my blog and give something to my readers. Oh, and had I ever heard of UA?

I was like, “SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!! Hahaha, ummm, yeah, I’ve heard of Under Armour!! Holla!!” Okay, I didn’t say, “Holla,” but told her yes I had heard of UA, would love to review a product and thanks thanks thanks so much!

Of course I picked running shoes to review! The Under Armour Spine RPM shoes to be exact. Which, YES, MEANS ONE OF YOU GET A PAIR OF SHOES, TOO. But I’ll get to that part momentarily.

So I donned the Spine RPMs and headed to my favorite running spot–the Bolin Creek Trail.

You know my protective leg brace is hot. Don’t hate.

I wasn’t sure what was my exact running plan as I was heading toward the trail, but once I got there and saw all the other runners zooming about, I knew I was in the mood to once again knock at the door of the Sub 10 Club.

I set my GPS watch and heart rate monitor and took off. I’m going to sound like Forrest Gump, but I was a-ruhhnnnnin!! I saw the .8 mile marker, knew I only had .2 miles to go but for a split second a few split seconds, I actually thought I would call it a day and just walk the .2. I was tuckered out, y’all. But I couldn’t stop there. I was way too close. I hadn’t looked down at my watch, so I honestly had no idea if I was close to 10 minutes, if I had already hit 10 minutes or was way past 10 minutes. I just kept running.

They say your head will give out before your legs do. It’s true. It was all mental. It’s the same as when I tried and failed miserably to lose weight so many times before. My head was convincing me that it was too hard, I couldn’t do it, it’d be too much work, it was impossible. Your body can do amazing things; don’t let your head get in the way.

I passed the one mile marker and just as I did, my watch signaled the same alert. I looked down, almost afraid, but smiled and started babbling to myself. “Aaack!! What?!! Nine. Forty. Five. Ninefortyfive!!! Seriously?! That’s definitely under 10!!!! I’m in the club. I’m in the club!!!!” I looked crazy. I didn’t care. I was breathing hard, panting, gasping and talking to myself, without a care in the world. It took over a year, but it was worth it. That’s all I could think about.

But then I thought about the shoes! I couldn’t forget to thank the shoes that I was wearing when this fabulous moment finally happened. Thank you Under Armour RPMs! 😀 They felt great during the entire run {I ended up doing a 5K all together} and I didn’t feel like I had to “break them in” first. I simply put them on and was off and running.

I normally wear a 9.5 and that’s the size I got. Sometimes I will go up a half size, as some brands will recommend, but with these I felt like they were true to size. I had toe room, but not too much and not too little. They were very lightweight but still gave me enough support. I was comfortable in them for the duration of the run and could’ve logged more miles but it was getting dark and I had to go home and make dinner. I had never tried Under Armour shoes but can definitely say I was thoroughly impressed!

And of course I shall always remember them as the shoes I was wearing when I reached my goal! 😉

But now…let me guess…you want to know how you can get your hands on a pair right? Well, you can buy them here, or check out other Under Armour shoes here or you can enter my giveaway to WIN a pair!


You will receive one entry for every one of these items–the more you do, the more entries for you. The FIRST ONE is mandatory all others are extra entries for you! {You may only enter the giveaway once. Duplicate entries will be deleted.}:

Leave me a comment below telling me why you want these shoes! {again, this one is required}
Follow me on Twitter @cherielianne and comment below telling me you did so.
Tweet about the giveaway using the following sentence {copy and paste it}:  “I entered to win a pair of @UnderArmour running shoes from @cherielianne. You can too! “   Comment below telling me you did so.
Follow me on Instagram @CherieRunsThis and comment below telling me you did so.
-You can also like my Facebook page if you want. It’s not required and is not an entry. You can just like it to like it!

This giveaway is open to everyone {no US only restrictions!} and will end on Wednesday, October  24th at 11:59 PM ET!!! The winner will be announced Thursday, October 25th. I will use to select a winner and will contact him/her. The winner’s information will be forwarded to Under Armour and they will ship him/her the pair of shoes in one of the four available colors!

Good Luck! 😀


FIRST, Thank you to everyone who had a sweet comment about me reaching the Sub 10 Club. Y’all rock!!! 😀

And the winner is….

Congrats Erin!! Please forward me your full name, telephone number, shipping address, email address and choice of shoe color. I will pass it along to Under Armour and they’ll ship you your new running shoes! :-D Thank you so much to everyone who entered!!

**Entries were accepted until 11:59 pm since that was the stated end of the contest! Any received after that were not counted.

*Other than receipt of the running shoes, I was not compensated in any way for my review. All opinions, comments, positive and/or negative, are my own.


  1. I’m injured right now and can’t run. Can’t even walk without crutches. Femoral neck stress fracture. I was training for the Denver RnR full. Missed that race and will be sitting out the Route 66 half too. I’d love to have these for when I do get back out there. Maybe I can get back to the sub 10 club again. Congrats!

  2. Jill Hartley

    I’d love to have them to get my weight and health back on track. I moved and during the stress of the move gained some weight back. Not good.

  3. Jill Hartley

    I’m following you on twitter.

  4. Jill Hartley

    I tweeted! 🙂

  5. melorie

    First Congrats. Second I would like to win these shoes as I am still new to running and have not found the perfect running shoe .

  6. melorie

    I follow you on twitter.

  7. melorie

    I tweeted about the giveaway.

  8. Because all my money goes to running related gear. Seriously mom and dad? At least I’m not on drugs!

  9. and I follow you on Twitter now 🙂 (@sheenabean13)

  10. and on Instagram! (@sheenabean_13)

  11. I would love these shoes. I actually need a new pair but I just had my 4th baby 2 months ago and with one income it’s hard for me to justify spending the money on a pair. Especially with birthdays and Christmas right around the corner I don’t want to take away from my kids so momma makes due

  12. Librarylynn

    I would love to have these shoes! Awesome colors and I have never tried UA shoes before! Also, recently divorced so extra money especially for things like running shoes is tight!

  13. Librarylynn

    Tweeted for extra entry!

  14. I follow you on twitter.

  15. I follow you on Instagram

  16. I tweeted

  17. And I want the shoes because..well I’m a shoe whore. But I haven’t ran in Under Armours yet, and I’ve heard good things, So I want to try them.

  18. Librarylynn

    Following on Instagram

  19. jamie

    I would love a new pair of shoes. Tired to buy a pair at kohls and they were horrible. Thanks cherie

  20. Heidi Hartley

    sub 10 runner myself and trying to get a little faster. love all the UA products and apparel

  21. Congrats on your run, so happy for you!!! Way to go girl!!

  22. Jan

    I would like to have the Under Armour shoes because I have been struggling to find a shoe that works for me.

  23. pensgirl10

    I am following you on Twitter…..

  24. pensgirl10

    ….and I tweeted. 🙂

  25. Running a half soon and I love gearing for a race with new goodies!

  26. tweeted

  27. Jennifer E.

    I’m a nursing student and have been stressed because of school and have gained weight. Hopefully, I can get going again and run like the wind!! I have never tried UA shoes, but I do own lots of shirts and pants. Would love to try them out!!

  28. Jennifer E.

    I’m following you on twitter, too.

  29. Jennifer E.

    ….and I also tweeted!

  30. CONGRATS on the sub 10 minute mile!! Do those shoes come in Wide width?

    I’d like to win them because I happily welcome any new shoes into my running rotation (which consists of only 2 pairs right now…)

  31. I already follow you on FB 🙂

    • Ooops, I just realized this was not a requirement… but to make it count, I just started following you on Twitter! @jacybackontrack

  32. And, I also tweeted the giveaway!

    thanks girl! Keep rocking on!

  33. Hey Cherie! I could *so* use a pair of record-breaking shoes right about now. As I’ve mentioned on a previous post, you’ve inspired me to chase down my weight loss goals, and a new pair of running shoes might very well be the impetus for me to hit the trail again. 😉

    Congrats on making the Sub 10 Club hun! Off to Twitter. 🙂

  34. nubiennze

    Just followed you on Twitter! I’m @nubiennze 🙂

  35. nubiennze

    Just tweeted (@nubiennze) about the giveaway as well!

  36. I want to win these shoes because running is awesome and you honestly can never have too many pairs of shoes 🙂

  37. Heidi

    also a sub10 runner and trying to be sub 9, love all the UA apparel and would love to try their shoes too!

  38. i want these shoes because they look awesome & i could always use another pair of shoes 😉

  39. Matt Zuehlke

    Looking to change up my footwear!

  40. Sarah

    Congratulations on your sub 10! That is awesome!! 🙂

    For my entry, I’d like the shoes because I haven’t bought new sneakers in a little over a year and I think my feet might be starting to pay for it. 😦 I haven’t tried many running shoe brands so I’d love to try something new! And free shoes especially would be very helpful right now. 😉

  41. I’m trying to get back into running since some weight gain due to medication and being out of running due to multiple foot surgeries. I have yet to find shoes that don’t leave me hurting after only one mile! I too cannot wait to join the 10-minute mile club.

  42. Brandi Golemon

    I started running January of 2011 and was just like you. In May of 2011 I ran a 5k at 30:45 and had that crazy moment as well in front of everyone because I never thought I would make that time. I consider that crazy people time 🙂 I am now training for a half marathon which I never though I could do and would love to try these shoes for some of my short runs to break up my feet from getting to used to my other shoes.

  43. Brandi Golemon

    Followed you on Twitter, Tweeted and followed you on Instagram!!!

  44. I want these shoes because I am currently using the same shoes to run in as I use to deadlift, squat, and atlast stone…they are shot.

  45. oh and i followed and tweeted 🙂

  46. Carie Austin

    First off, Congratulations on your entire journey and making the sub-10 club! You are an amazing lady and SUCH an inspiration!

    Secondly, for my entry, I would LOVE to win these shoes because I cannot afford to replace the shoes that I have been wearing since 2010. I bought the shoes before my second child was born. I had my third child a year ago and started my own weight loss journey is past June. My shoes have held up with me up until a few weeks ago. I have huge holes in the sides of my shoes, the bottoms are very worn, and I’m not sure they will last much longer. I have lost 36 lbs so far.

    I am a stay-at-home mother to three beautiful girls and my wonderful husband works in a factory. He supports our family so that I am able to be home to raise our children. Money is very, very, very tight. We don’t have any extra money until around income tax time. I am not sure my shoes will make it until then, so having the chance to win a new pair is FANTASTIC!

    Thank you for the chance and best of luck to everyone! 🙂

  47. Carie Austin

    I’ve followed you on twitter —> @carie_austin

  48. Carie Austin

    I tweeted about this amazing giveaway!

  49. stephanie

    I have just started running and I need all the help I can get. I would love to win these, they are so cute. Plus I live in Canada and we are hardly ever eligible for these prizes! Congrats on your sub 10 min mile. What an accomplishment!

  50. stephanie

    I just followed you on Twitter!

  51. stephanie

    And I tweeted. 🙂

  52. Amy Stancil

    I would love to win them because I am also shooting for the “under 10” club! My goal is to run a 5K in under 30 minutes, and I am SOOO Close. Maybe a new pair of shoes would be just what I needed to help me shave those last 60+ seconds off my time. 🙂

  53. Amy Stancil

    Following you on twitter!

  54. Amy Stancil


  55. Micki Addiosn

    Congrats on your sub 10 club Cherie!!!! Way to go!

  56. I would love to win these new shoes. I desperately need some new shoes and need to get my running back on track, but they aren’t in the budget right now :(.
    Congrats on your sub-10. A great confidence boost!

  57. I started following you on twitter – so excited to know you are on twitter – How did I miss that?!

  58. Tamara Timberlake

    I’d love to have the shoes because they’re so cute! I am early in my transformation journey, and I want to be a runner! Thanks!

  59. BJ Killam

    I would love to see if these shoes (as well as all my hard work) might help me get into the Sub 10 Club!

  60. HOLY! I LOVE those!!! I LOVE that you got reached out and given shoes as a huge congrats!!! I would LOVE to win the same ones as they are beautiful and I am always in need of new kicks with my active lifestyle:) They would be a great addition and I’ve never tired UA shoes before!

  61. I already follow on twitter:)

  62. A new pair of shoes!?!?!?!!? OH YES!!! I currently have 800 miles on my shoes and would love a new pair!! I love under armor, but I did not know they made shoes!!

  63. Follow you on twitter.

  64. tweeted.

  65. And I follow on instagram:)

  66. i’d love to give them a try, because let’s be honest, they’re hott!!

    congrats on your sub 10 minute mile!!

  67. Bree

    I need these shoes to assist me in my running.

  68. Congratulations! I just hit 8 minutes on my mile (even though I only ran one mile… I have no idea how slow it would be for a 5K lol) and I felt so proud! I’d like these shoes ‘cuz they look pretty bangin’ and I wouldn’t have to get an 11… just my normal crazy-huge size, 10!

  69. stephanie

    i want these shoes becase face it, who doesnt want free shoes. lol. i started my weight loss journey seven months ago i am down thirty lbs. i train in boxing and krav-maga. i am a new person. i love my life now. i know what it is to be alive. i still have thirty lbs to go but they will be gone or i will die trying, i am doing the spartan race in march so if i do get these shoes they will be used for training for that. love love love your blog. 🙂

  70. I follow you on Twitter!

  71. I follow you on Instagram

  72. I Tweeted:)

  73. Natalie

    I want to run a sub 10 minute mile in those shoes! I don’t know if I will ever get there but would like to look good doing it.

  74. Serena

    Ah those are gorgeous shoes! Ive been craving some bright colored running shoes for ages!

  75. Serena

    Follow on Twitter @SS_Summer

  76. Serena
  77. I want them for running of course 🙂

  78. I am following you on twitter.

  79. I tweeted your giveaway. 🙂

  80. Tanya

    As a single mom of five with two kids in college, my budget is TIGHT! Always love free stuff…especially free running shoes! I would SO love to win these!!! 💙

  81. Genuinefeedback

    I would like these shoes because it would be good to try another brand…currently running in Brooks and Pegasus now…but I think the colors are fab.
    Congrats again on the sub-10!!!! CHERIE RUNS SUB-10!

  82. domestic diva

    My shoes have far too many miles. I could use some new ones.

  83. Laurel C

    Those shoes are awesome!!! I’d love a pair, and I actually am in dire need of new running shoes so this is perfect timing!

  84. Laurel C

    I follow you on twitter!

  85. Laurel C
  86. I would love to win the shoes because money is tight and I need a new pair of shoes so badly. What a fun giveaway!

  87. I follow you on twitter

  88. I tweeted. my twitter is rexburgrunnerd

  89. I follow you on instagram. My name on there is rexburgrunner

  90. Colleen

    Cherie- your blogs are always fun to read. I love UA- clothes, socks, shoes… I rally like my UA running shoes and the pair you picked looked and sound great. I too would like to run a little longer/faster and the shoes would help!

  91. Angie

    I need these shoes to power thru my training for the Pittsburgh Half!

  92. Sarah

    I’ve been training for my first “official” half marathon (have ran 3 “unofficial” around the neighborhood) and I think it’s time to get a new pair of shoes. I’ve never tried UA, but would love the chance to try them out!!!

  93. Jessica Richardson

    Firstly congrats! I would love love love to make the sub 10 minute mile club!! Secondly! Yay shoes!! These shoes look amazing I was so pleased to see you positive review about them!!
    I’d love to win the pair because starting at 83kgs, (and now down 20kgs) I am trying to pick up my pace and make it to the club too! Your colorful run this weekend inspired me to sign up to a 5km in January! So I need to get my skates on and start training (or hopefully a new pair of running shoes ;)!! ) 🙂

  94. Jessica Richardson

    Now following you in Instagram! 🙂

  95. krissy m. murphy

    I would love to try these shows because lightweight running shoes make a huge difference and I love UA products 🙂

  96. krissy m. murphy

    I follow you on twitter (@krissymmurphy)

  97. krissy m. murphy
  98. krissy m. murphy

    I follow you on instagram! I am @krissymmurphy 🙂

    Congrats on your speedy run!!

  99. Kat

    I’d love o try UA shoes as I haven’t before but love their apparel!

  100. Kat

    Following you on twitter!

  101. Annie

    Hey Cherie!

    I’ve heard lots of good things about Under Armour, so I’d like to try them out! Perhaps I can join the Sub 10 Club too!

    I already follow you on Twitter, and ‘like’ you on Facebook, but I don’t have Instagram (booooo for me!) I’m now about to go and tweet 🙂

    Annie x

  102. Kennisha Walker

    I follow you on twitter!

  103. Kennisha Walker

    I follow you on instagram!

  104. Kennisha Walker

    I would love to win a pair of UA shoes, since I am I just signed up for four races in the winter/spring of next year. The triple crown of running which includes a 5K, 10K and the last race being a Ten Miler. Then I will run the Kentucky Derby Mini Marathon, all races are here in Louisville Ky! Having these shoes will help me immensely in my training!

  105. Kennisha Walker

    I tweeted this on twitter 😃 “I entered to win a pair of @UnderArmour running shoes from @cherielianne. You can too! “

  106. My workout shoes gave out and I really need some new ones.

  107. I am following you on twitter

  108. I’m following you on instagram.

  109. I tweeted about the giveaway. Using the required verbage 🙂

  110. precious johnson

    I need these shoes because I’m in need of good, supportive shoes as I’m an new runner.

    Also…I’m following you on twitter, leshay75

  111. I want these shoes to help me finish my 1st half marathon 12/9/12.

  112. I follow you on twitter. @rachelskeie

  113. I follow you on Instagram. @rachelskeie

  114. Meghan

    I would love these shoes. I am a big Under Armour fan. Based out of Baltimore, hometown how could I not be 🙂 I love the way they look and who doesn’t love fun colored running shoes!

  115. Meghan

    I tweeted!

  116. Meghan

    I follow you on Instagram

  117. blondelvstorun

    I would love to try these shoes. I have had problems with stress fractures in my foot and would love to see how they would work with my bad foot, and who can forget the IT band problems. Plus I’m an under armor girl. I follow you on twitter, Facebook, and instagram

  118. fitgirlprettyworld

    Thanks for hosting the giveaway!! I would love to win those shoes….I’ve been using my asics for awhile now and think its always great to try something new. AND they have pink in them and that’s my favorite color!! 🙂

  119. fitgirlprettyworld

    I follow you on Twitter! 😉

  120. fitgirlprettyworld

    AND I tweeted about the giveaway!

  121. I would love these shoes as another motivator to get out and get active! Also, I have regular sneakers, but can’t afford actual running shoes at this moment, so to get these would be great!

  122. I would love to win these shoes because a) I love all things Under Armour and have always wanted to try their shoes. b) I’m started a heavy training cycle and would love to be able to add a pair of shoes into the rotation!

  123. fitgirlprettyworld

    Now following you on Instagram.

  124. And I already follow you on Twitter! 🙂

  125. readysetjo

    I also followed you on Twitter, tweeted the contest and followed on Instagram! Thanks!

  126. Aaaaaand I tweeted about your giveaway at (

  127. And I follow on Instagram (emmjayy85)!

  128. Sarah R

    I follow you on twitter (@rmtsarah).

  129. Sarah R

    I would love these shoes because I need a new clean pair for running/ elliptical indoors all winter. It gets rather snowy in Ontario, Canada! My outdoor shoes are too dirty to wear inside.

  130. Sarah R

    I follow you on Instagram (rmtsarah).

  131. tempesst

    i would love them to get myself on track!

  132. tempesst

    follow you on twitter!

  133. tempesst

    tweeted! @tempmerricks

  134. I would love to win them to add them to my under armour charge rc storm!:)

  135. Tweeted about the giveaway @melRUNStheworld

  136. Katy Hubbard

    I’m doing runs almost each weekend and I need shoes that won’t give me blisters.

  137. Cherie

    I would love to win these shoes because they are bright and beautiful 🙂 I also need some new shoes for starting up my running again after my son is born!

  138. Cherie

    I follow you on twitter

  139. Cherie

    I tweeted about your give away @cheriemaha

  140. Cherie

    I follow you on instagram and facebook 🙂

  141. I would love them because I am in need of a new pair of running shoes. I put so many miles on mine and need to replace them soon, but don’t have the funds as I’m a broke grad student.

  142. Obviously I follow you on Twitter.

  143. And tweeted!

  144. My comment disappeared! Lol.

    I would love to win these shoes after coming back from a grueling knee surgery where my kneecap had to be shaved and realigned (yikes). I am a former college athlete who once ran a 7:20 mile and am so inspired by your sub-10 status! I am making it my goal to be at sub-10 once I start running again, hopefully in the next 2 months. I am looking for a shoe that provides the stability I need while cushioning my shotty joints. I have researched UA shoes for some time but have never known anyone who actually trained in them so happy ot read a good review.

    I also already follow you on twitter, facebook, and instagram. 🙂

  145. Shannon Howard

    I would run my 2nd 10k or first half marathon with them!!

  146. I could ALWAYS use another pair of running shoes! I’ve gone through Nike, New Balance, and Saucony…none of which really jived with me. So hopefully I can give UA a try!

  147. I already follow you on twitter!

  148. And I follow you on IG!

  149. And I tweeted 🙂

  150. Congrats on the Sub 10! I am so close to getting there myself, & if these shoes are what did it for you, well then I need a pair! Lol! I have always been an ASICS runner and would love to try something new, but I’ve always been afraid to spend the $$ and then not like them.

  151. Congrats on your Sub 10! I’m so close to it myself, and if these shoes ate what did it for you, well then I need a pair! Lol!
    I have always been an Asics runner and would love to try something new, but I’m afraid of spending the $$ & then not liking them. Runners’ woes, right??!

    • Sorry I posted this twice 😦 I couldn’t find my comment the first time, so I thought I screwed it up.

  152. Following on Twitter 🙂

  153. I tweeted!

  154. Following on IG!

  155. I would love to win the shoes. I’m training for a couple winter races and a half marathon next spring and could use new shoes to alternate the ones I’m currently using. And who doesn’t love new running shoes??!!

  156. I follow you on Twitter!

  157. I tweeted about the giveaway

  158. I follow you on Instagram 🙂

  159. Cary

    I’ve lost 26 pounds since July 2nd and a new pair of shoes to walk in would be perfect!!

  160. Erin

    If UA shoes are as great as their compression shorts, I have to try them!

  161. Erin

    I’m following you on Twitter.

  162. Erin

    I’m following you on Instagram

  163. Tweeted you! 🙂 @Nukeswifey

  164. Oh and why do I want these shoes? I totally ❤ Under Armour and the type of company they are. They do so much for Wounded Warriors! Love the colors, and who doesn't love new running shoes?!

  165. I’d love to join the “fast runners” club, too! 😉 I run about an 11 minute mile (well, actually just PRed this weekend for 5k, and was around 10:30!!!) but never had real runner shoes. I would love to try them out!!

  166. I love UA but have never worn there shoes! I would love to give them a try!

  167. Why do I want these shoes?! Actually, I don’t really want these shoes. Wha?!?! I know you’re saying. I love UA, but I actually want these shoes for a very good friend of mine who just so happens to be my running buddy. I know she would love it. I actually would ask for myself but I feel so lucky that I was sent a pair of shoes by Mizuno. Sorry for the name drop of another brand. So, I would love for my running buddy to have these shoes. She is looking for a pair of great shoes and I know she would LOVE these. I follow you on FB and instagram 🙂 I can’t follow you on twitter b/c I don’t have twitter. lol So, please pick me…I mean her. Her name would be Erica.

  168. I tweeted about the giveaway!

  169. I follow you on Twitter!

  170. I just finished a 1/2 marathon and I need a new pair of sneaks! They are so snazzy too!

  171. I follow you on twitter

  172. Who wouldn’t want these shoes! REALLY? Lol, but yeah, i want them because they ROCK!!!!

  173. I follow you on Twitter @TheBroadbents

  174. I tweeted about your giveaway and I did like your facebook even if I don’t get an entry for it!!! You are AWESOME 😉

  175. I’d simply just like to try them out. Didn’t even know they made sneakers 😉

  176. Also follow you on Twitter.

  177. Following you on instagram (melissyk)

  178. Follow you on Twitter (@melissyk)

  179. Have yet to try UA’s kicks and would love to be a speed racer like you!! 😉

  180. Amy B.

    The treads on my Kinvaras are DONE and I’m ready to try something else!

  181. Amy B.

    I follow you on twitter (I’m @running_therapy).

  182. Amy B.

    I tweeted the giveaway! (@running_therapy)

  183. First, I’ve heard of UA but had no clue they’re shoes. So I’d love to win these so I can try them out. I’m totally in the market for a new pair, but as runners aren’t we always? 🙂

  184. I also follow you on twitter!

  185. I’m always on the hunt for the perfect shoe. I would love to try these.

  186. nattie1218

    I follow you on Twitter @NattieRuns

  187. nattie1218
  188. nattie1218

    I’m always on the hunt for the perfect shoes and I would love to try these

  189. Rana

    I love your blog, and I really would like to win the shoes because I am a novice, slow runner determined to improve!! Shoes would most certainly help!!!

  190. Rana

    I follow you on twitter.

  191. Rana

    I am also following you on Instagram!

  192. Would love to try these shoes! Love the colors 🙂 I tweeted and followed all your social media pages!

  193. I am so in need of a new running shoe. I have PF which is killing my feet. I am starting to think its partly due to my shoes. Would love to win a pair!! 🙂

  194. I follow you on Twitter @trulove821

  195. I am in need of some new running shoes…I have PF and its killing my feet. I think it has to do with my shoes. I would love to win some!

  196. smartyharley

    I would love them because I only have one pair of running shoes! And the brightness of these are just my style 😉

  197. Amy Lynn

    I want these shoes so I can run with my puppy!

  198. Amy Lynn

    new twitter follower @amylynnbee22

  199. Amy Lynn
  200. Amy Lynn

    I like you on FB

  201. I do need a new pair to run in and cross train in and these look nice.

  202. I am in need of a new pair of running shoes. The pair I have now is way over its mileage 😦

  203. I tried to post several daya ago but it got lost. 😦 Of course I follow you EVERYWHERE (Twitter, Instagram and Facebook….am I a stalker? LOL) and I am super proud of your accomplishment! I just got in that club myself a couple of weeks ago! I am getting ready to run my first half in three weeks (God, help me) and I have not been alternating shoes (like I should) and I am feeling it. 😦 These would be great. Never tried Under Armour before. Keep pushing the limit, girl! 🙂

  204. I’d love to win these shoes because I haven’t been able to afford new ones in a while and because these look super stylish and your post mentioned you were able to run farther the first time wearing them. That’s pretty impressive!! 🙂

  205. Also, I follow you on twitter and Instagram!! 🙂

  206. inette5

    I would love to win these because I am in desperate need of new running shoes but due to other family obligations this keeps being put on the backburner and my knees are paying the price

  207. I have been a loyal supporter of my brand of shoes since I slid on the first pair but I’m no running fool – there is always room for improvement! I would love to try some UA shoes! Thanks and congrats on the sub 10!

  208. i tweeted your contest!! 🙂

  209. I tweeted about the giveaway 😀

  210. Angie

    I really want these shoes! I need to run some baby weight off and I have been to busy buying diapers instead of shoes for ME! Although I have to say my dear husband probably deserves them more than I!;)

  211. Angie

    Following you on Instagram!

  212. jodi

    I would love to win a pair of the awesome Under Armor shoes to run in while I am training for my first half Marathon in February!

  213. Andee

    I want these shoes because my Brooks are getting high on mileage and I’d rather ask for a GPS watch for Xmas! 🙂

  214. Andee

    Also followed you on Twitter!

  215. Kristin Seto

    I am a virgin runner and these shoes look awesome! Also, I am from and still live in Pittsburgh!!!!!!! Love your blog!

  216. Marisel Kleppen

    I would LOVE these shoes because I’ve just started my journey into becoming a runner. I’m currently running a 16 minute mile but I have no shame, one day ill be in the sub 10 club. 😉

  217. Martine Ricard

    I need to win this because I NEED to Know SOMETHING just SOMETHING good can happen to me just once in my freaking life. I need to know that good things dont just happen to anyone but me. Im trying so hard to change my life, I want it, need it to happen. This is do or die, can’t live like this anymore. from #BrokenAngel_fly added you, tweeted about you 🙂 thank you for your blog, it helps alot honestly

  218. Kristin Seto

    I follow you on twitter 🙂

  219. Amber Davis

    I am new to running and am trying to get back in shape after baby. Seeing as how she is almost 3, this has been years in the making. Every time I run and I get frustrated with the fact I can’t run a mile yet, I get chin splints, or just plain winded – I think of you. Cherie you are such an inspiration to so many. I keep telling myself – remember Cherie didn’t start out running 5k’s either. Start slow – you can do it. You are my running role model 🙂 I would love to have these shoes to keep me going in my running goals. I can’t wait til I can post that I am in the 10 minute club!

  220. Nicole J

    I started running again in August to shed some baby weight. I’m up to a 5k and loving it! But I really need some new running shoes!!

  221. Nicole J

    I started following you on instagram!

  222. carolyn

    I’m back to working out after baby 3. I’ve been going through a difficult time in life and exercising is my way to clear my mind. =)

  223. carolyn

    following you on twitter

  224. Michelle

    I NEED those shoes because I LOVE the others and have recently been giving my Newtons a break to try out some other brands, so these would fit right in! I also am now following you on Instagram and I liked you on Facebook ages ago!

  225. Lisa Crandall

    I want the shoes because I want to break out of my Nike comfort zone.

  226. tamara bassett

    First congrats on your time, woo hoo!! I quit smoking in March and replaced my addiction with another…. its running. I have yet to make it under 10 minutes, was diagnosed with a benign bone tumor in my lower leg. Despite the constant pain I still run. I really need to find a good pair of running shoes. Under armour brand is so above the rest. I own a lot of running apparel and love it. With yucky Michigan winters I feel the water proof would be amazing. I’ve tried so many running shoes which always fail. I really rely on feedback from other people and fellow Runners. Keep on doing work!!!!

  227. Rebecca

    I love UA! Having a very hard tine finding them around here. I saw these on line but afraid to purchase w/o trying them on. Im definitely looking for a light weight shoe that gives me support! Would love to try them. Thanks for the review. And oh, they look great too! Good luck with your running! Keep up the great work.

  228. candi franklin

    First…i luv ur page…ur a great inspiration..i currently walk 4.5 miles 5 days a week…i am contemplating jogging…i believe these r just the right motivation!! 🙂

  229. I want these shoes because mine are worn and torn from being used up every morning! I followed you on facebook and liked the facebook page:)

  230. Sheila scott

    I am always impressed with UA stuff. I just donated my shoes at the Tough Mudder Las Vegas and could really use a pair of these.

  231. Angela Pascoe

    Done 🙂

  232. I’m in need of a new pair of running shoes and would LOVE to try out the Under Armour pair!!!

  233. Already follow you on Twitter! @LilMysNinja

  234. Already follow on Instagram! @LilMysNinja

  235. I would love to win these shoes not for myself but for a client of mine. She is an awesome lady. She always puts everyone before her self. She completed her first marathon this year and has stalled out on walking/running ever since. Since she is constantly taking care of her family, friends, and church, I would like to take care of her by winning her new shoes. I just know that the UA Spine RPMs would get her moving again.


  1. Race Recap: The Color Run in DC! « Cherie Runs This

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